Friday, May 8, 2020

Synthesis Essay Corrie Ten Boom - 2004 Words

Synthesis Essay -- Corrie Ten Boom MSgt John A. Menanno Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy Corrie Ten Boom In times of peril, a hero rises to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Movies tell us heroes are from a different world, wear a suit of armor/cape, or wield superhuman abilities; however, real-life heroes do not fit that mold. In reality, heroes, come in many forms and need little more than courage and boldness to do what is right when no one else will. By all accounts, Corrie Ten Boom, a nearly 50-year old Dutch woman, should not have been a heroine. However, when she saw an injustice, she took a stand as a visionary leader and used inspirational motivation to rally support for the†¦show more content†¦I also displayed intellectual autonomy to hold my ground on a security issue, which led to an ethical dilemma. As difficult as it was, I made a decision and the five-step ethical decision making process proves it was the right one. Despite the circumstances, Corrie was a visionary. She saw people in need and she drew a line in the sand. There was no suit of armor and no cape, just Corrie, as she seemingly echoed the words of Isaiah, â€Å"Here am I. Send me!† (Isaiah 6:8, New International Version [NIV]). Visionary Leader Corrie Ten Boom exemplified the characteristics of a visionary leader through her inspirational motivation in the Dutch underground resistance against Nazi Germany. Corrie witnessed the Jewish oppression at the hands of the Nazis and rejected it (Straub, 1992). One night, a Jewish woman went to Corrie and asked for help and Corrie agreed. Soon, Corrie became an active part of the Dutch underground resistance and worked to save the Jews (Ten Boom, 2006). Here, Corrie used her gift of inspirational motivation to inspire and motivate others to join the resistance or support the effort by providing food ration cards, supplies, or safe passage for the Jews and resistance workers. She even had a hidden room built in her house to hide the Jews residing there (Straub, 1992; Ten Boom, 2006). Corrie’s leadership clearly displayed her ability to lead with inspirational motivation, which is when followers are

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